- Successive approximations, larspsyll.wordpress.com
- Dow Records and Custody Deals, bloomberg.com
- Dynamics of non-Markovian open quantum systems, aps.org
- How astronomers are using artificial brains to study supernova, astronomy.com
- Give your old phone a new career as a remote eye, newscientist.com
Monthly Archives: January 2017
Reading List (Jan 22, 2017)
- Keynes’ critique of econometrics — as valid today as it was in 1939, larspsyll.wordpress.com,
- The Jobs Legacy of the Obama Presidency, ineteconomics.org,
- Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence: Main Developments in 2016 and Key Trends in 2017, kdnuggets.com,
- How to Create a Time Crystal, aps.org,
- The Shape-Shifting Army Inside Your Cells, quantamagazine.org
Reading List (Jan 16, 2017)
- Gretl: Gnu Regression, Econometrics and Time-series Library, sourceforge.net
- Science books we’re keen to read in 2017, newscientist.com
- J. Hussman’s Weekly Market Comment: Cassandra’s Song, hussmanfunds.com
- Complex life may have had a false start 2.3 billion years ago, newscientist.com
- Venus Smiled, With a Mysterious Wave Across Its Atmosphere, nytimes.com
Reading List (Jan 8, 2017)
- Avoid guessing games: Use past data for context, ritholtz.com
- Physicists can’t agree on what the quantum world looks like, newscientist.com
- NASA approves a mission to look inside a black hole, astronomy.com
- Finding the Actions That Alter Evolution, quantamagazine.org
- ‘Space junk’ is a calamity in the making and a threat to anyone venturing off Earth, aeon.co
- Curtains fall on arts critics at newspapers, cjr.org
Reading List (Jan 2, 2017)
- Science News That Stuck With Us in 2016, nytimes.com
- Our 10 favorite science news stories of 2016, sciencemag.org
- The best economics article of 2016, larspsyll.wordpress.com
- Ceres holding onto water and really doesn’t want to let it go, astronomy.com